Fletcher, R.; Massarella, K.; Ferraz, K. M.P.M.B. ; Kiwango, W. A.; Komi, S.; Mabele, M. B. ; Marchini, S.; Nygren, A.; Sandroni, L. T. ; Alagona, P. S. ; Mcinturff, A. The Production-Protection Nexus: How Political-Economic Processes Influence Prospects For Transformative Change In Human-Wildlife Interactions. Global Environmental Change-Human And Policy Dimensions, V. 82, P. 102723, 2023. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2023.102723.
G. De Aguiar, Albert ; R. Lagos, Adriano ; A. A. Bovo, Alex ; Freitas, Guilherme ; O. A. Gussoni, Carlos ; A. G. Silva, Marco ; A. M. Bernardo, Matheus ; G. Franchin, Alexandre ; Fiúza Lanna, Rafael ; Cassani, Rafael ; G. Diniz, Mauro ; A. C. Cardoso, Clarice ; V. Manzano, Felipe ; B. Gomes, Henrique ; E. A. Barbosa, Antônio ; K. Lo, Vincent ; M. P. M. B. Ferraz, Katia ; F. Develey, Pedro . A Integração Entre Diferentes Instituições E Setores Da Sociedade Para O Conhecimento Da Biologia E A Conservação Do Criticamente Ameaçado Aracuã-Guarda-Faca (Ortalis Remota Pinto, 1960). Biodiversidade Brasileira, V. 13, P. 1-15, 2023. DOI: https://doi.org/10.37002/biodiversidadebrasileira.v13i4.2268
Jedrzejewski, W. ; Morato, R. G. ; Wallace, R. B. ; Thompson, J. J. ; Paviolo, A. ; Angelo, C. ; Negroes, N. ; Hoogesteijn, R. ; Tortato, F. ; Payan, E. ; Espinosa, S. ; Paemelaere, E. A. D. ; Hallett, M. T. ; Berzin, R. ; Romero, A. P. ; Ouboter, P. E. ; Kadosoe, V. ; Quiroga, V. A. ; Velasquez, G. ; Ferraz, K. M. P. M. B. Landscape Connectivity Analysis And Proposition Of The Main Corridor Network For The Jaguar In South America. Cat News (Bougy), V. 1, P. 1-8, 2023.
Labruna, M. B.; Lopes, B.; Benatti, H. R.; Luz, H. R.; Costa, F. B.;Muñoz-Leal, S.; Mariscal, L. S.; Leimgruber, P.; Ferraz, K. M. P. M. B. Group Dynamics Of Capybaras In A Human-Modified Landscape In Southeastern Brazil. Oecologia Australis, V. 27, P. 58-72, 2023. DOI: 10.4257/oeco.2023.2701.04.
Magioli, M. ; Luz, H. R. ; Costa, F. B. ; Benatti, H. R. ; Piovezan, U. ; Nunes, F. B. P. ; Lopes, B. ; Moreira, M. Z. ; Labruna, M. B. ; Ferraz, K. M. P. M. B. . Plasticity In Resource Use Explains The Persistence Of The Largest Living Rodent In Anthropized Environments. Journal Of Zoology, V. 320, P. 108-119, 2023. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/jzo.13057
Ribeiro, Y. G. G.; Ascensão, F. ; Yogui, D. R. ; De Barros Ferraz, K. M. P. M.; Desbiez, A. L. J. Prioritizing Road Mitigation Using Ecologically Based Land-Use Planning. Austral Ecology, V. 00, P. 1-13, 2023. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/aec.13295
Ribeiro, Y. G. G.; Bastos, R. M.; Silva, B. O.; Marchini, S.; Morais, R. B.; Catapani, M. L.; Corrêa, P. L. P.; Da Rocha, R. L. A.; Da Silva, A. M.; Ferraz, K. M. P. M. B. Social Media Data From Two Iconic Neotropical Big Cats: Can This Translate To Action?. Frontiers In Conservation Science, V. 4, P. 1101531, 2023. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3389/fcosc.2023.1101531
Sandroni, L. T.; Ferraz, K. M. P. M. D. B. Conservação Convivial: Explorando Conceitos Transformadores Para A Conservação Da (Bio)Diversidade No Brasil. Desenvolvimento E Meio Ambiente, V. 62, P. 1498-1527, 2023. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5380/dma.v62i0.86642
Alcantara MC, Alexandrino ER. 2022. Percepções sobre comedouros para aves de vida livre: implicações para o turismo de observação de aves no Brasil. Revista Brasileira de Ecoturismo, 15(3): 329-https://doi.org/10.34024/rbecotur.2022.v15.13611
Alexandrino ER, Camboim TA, Chaves FG, Bovo AAA, Silva MAG, Silva DAM, Moss M, et al. Which birds are Brazilians seeing on urban and non-urban feeders? A analysis based on a collective online birding. Ornithology Research. 30:104–117 https://doi.org/10.1007/s43388-022-00094-1
Alexandrino ER, Silva GA, Corbo M, Demuner BA, Szabo JK. 2022. Urban Southern house wren (Troglodytes musculus) nesting in apparently unsuitable human-made structures: is it worth it? Ornitologia Neotropical. 33(1):44-52
Bogoni, J. A. ; Ferraz, K.M.P.M.B. ; Peres, C. A. Continental-scale local extinctions in mammal assemblages are synergistically induced by habitat loss and hunting pressure. BIOLOGICAL CONSERVATION, v. 272, p. 109635, 2022. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2022.109635
Ferraz, K.M.P.M.B., Marchini, S., Bogoni, J.A., Paolino, R.M., Landis, M., Fusco-Costa, R., Magioli, M., Munhões, L.P., Saranholi, B.H., Ribeiro, Y.G.G., Domini, J.A., Magezi, G.S., Gebin, J.C.Z., Ermenegildo, H., Galetti Junior, P.M., Galetti, M., Zimmermann, A., Chiarelo, A.G. 2022. Best of both worlds: Combining ecological and social research to inform conservation decisions in a Neotropical biodiversity hotspot. Journal of Nature Conservation 66: 126146. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnc.2022.126146.
Galetti, M. ; Carmignotto, A. P. ; Percequillo, A. R. ; Santos, M. C. O. ; Ferraz, K. M. P. M. B. ; Lima, F. ; Vancine, M. H. ; Muylaert, Renata Lara Bonfim, Fernando César Gonçalves ; Magioli, M. ; Abra, F. D. ; Chiarello, A. G. ; Duarte, J. M. B. ; Morato, R. ; Beisiegel, B. M. ; Olmos, F. ; Galetti Jr, P. M. ; Ribeiro, M. C. . Mammals In São Paulo State: Diversity, Distribution, Ecology, And Conservation.. Biota Neotropica (Online. Edição Em Inglês), V. 22, P. 1-11, 2022. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1590/1676-0611-BN-2022-1363
Machicao, J, Specht, A, Vellenich, D, Meneguzzi, L, David, R, Stall, S, Ferraz, K, Mabile, L, O’Brien, M and Corrêa, P. 2022. A Deep Learning Method for the Prediction of Socio-Economic Indicators from Street-View Imagery Using a Case Study from Brazil. Data Science Journal, 21: 6, pp. 1–15. https://doi.org/10.5334/dsj 2022-006
Magioli, M., Villar, N., Jorge, M.L., Biondo, C., Keuroghlian, A., Bradham, J., Pedrosa, F., Costa, V., Moreira, M.Z., Ferraz, K.M.P.M.B., Galetti, M. 2022. Dietary expansion facilitates the persistence of a large frugivore in fragmented tropical forests. Animal Conservation. https://doi.org/10.1111/acv.12766
Navarro AB, Magioli M, Bogoni JA, Silveira LF, Moreira MZ, Alexandrino ER, Luz DTA, Silva WR, Pizo MA, Oliveira VC, Ferraz KMPMB. 2021. Isotopic niches of tropical birds reduced by anthropogenic impacts: a 100-year perspective. Oikos, 130: 1892-1904. https://doi.org/10.1111/oik.08386
Sandroni, L., Ferraz, K.M.P.M.B., Marchini, S., Percequillo, A., Coates, R., Paolino, R.M., Barros, Y., Landis, M., Ribeiro, Y.G.G., Munhões, L.P. 2022. Stakeholder mapping as a transdisciplinary exercise for jaguar conservation in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Conservation Science and Practice 4(5): e12651. https://doi.org/10.1111/csp2.12651.
Marchini, S.M., Ferraz, K.M.P.M.B., Foster, V., Reginato, T., Kotz, A., Barros, Y., Zimmermann, A., Macdonald, D.W. 2021. Planning for Human-Wildlife Coexistence: Conceptual Framework, Workshop Process, and a Model for Transdisciplinary Collaboration. Frontiers in Conservation Science 2: 1-11. https://doi.org/10.3389/fcosc.2021.752953
Tortato, F.R., Hoogesteijn, R., Devlin, A.L., Quigley, H.B., Bolzan, F., Izzo, T.J., Ferraz, K.M.P.M.B., Peres, C.A. 2021. Reconciling biome-wide conservation of an apex carnivore with land-use economics in the increasingly threatened Pantanal wetlands. Scientific Reports 11, 22808. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-02142-0.
De Oliveira, M.L., Grotta-Netto, F., de Faria Peres, P.H. et al. 2021. Elusive deer occurrences at the Atlantic Forest: 20 years of surveys. Mammalian Research, https://doi.org/10.1007/s13364-021-00604-4
Serpa, M. C. de A., H. R. Luz, F. B. Costa, B. C. Weck, H. R. Benatti, T. F. Martins, L. S. Correa, D. G. Ramirez, V. Rocha, T. C. Dias, L. R. Correa, J. Brasil, J. Brites-Neto, A. M. Nievas, A. Suzin, P. F. Monticelli, M. E. G. Moro, B. Lopes, R. C. Pacheco, D. M. Aguiar, U. Piovezan, M. P.J. Szabó, K. M. P. M. B. Ferraz, A. R. Percequillo, M. B. Labruna, V. N. Ramos. 2021. Small mammals, ticks and rickettsiae in natural and human-modified landscapes: Diversity and occurrence of Brazilian spotted fever in Brazil. Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases 12(6): 101805. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ttbdis.2021.101805.
Benatti, H. R., H. R. Luz, D. M. Lima, V. D. Gonçalves, F. B. Costa, V. N. Ramos, D. M. Aguiar, R. C. Pacheco, U. Piovezan, M. P. J. Szabó, K. M. P. M. B. Ferraz, M B. Labruna. 2021. Morphometric Patterns and Blood Biochemistry of Capybaras (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) from Human-Modified Landscapes and Natural Landscapes in Brazil. Veterinary Sciences 8: 165. https://doi.org/10.3390/vetsci8080165.
Rocha, F., E. Cordero-Schmidt, R. Subirá, C. Croukamp, L. Jerusalinsky, S. Marchini, K. Ferraz, Y. Barros, A. Desbiez, N. Andrade, O. Byers, J. P. Rodriguez. 2021. Center for Species Survival Brazil. Oryx 55(4): 496–496. https://doi:10.1017/S0030605321000557.
Massarela, K., A. Nygren, R. Fletcher, B. Büscher, W.A Kiwango, S. Komi, J.E. Krauss, M.B. Mabele, A. McInturff, L.T. Sandroni, P.S. Alagona, D. Brockington, R. Coates, R. Duffy, K.M.P.M.B. Ferraz, S. Koot, S. Marchini, A.R. Percequillo. 2021. Transformation beyond conservation: how critical social science can contribute to a radical new agenda in biodiversity conservation. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 49: 79–87.
Magioli, M., K.M.P.M.B. Ferraz. 2021. Deforestation leads to prey shrinkage for an apex predator in a biodiversity hotspot. Mammal Research 66:245-255.
Magioli, M., Ferraz, K.MPMB, Chiarello, AG; Galetti, M, Setz, EZF; Paglia, AP, Abrego, N, Ribeiro, MC, Ovaskainen, O. 2021. Land-use changes lead to functional loss of terrestrial mammals in a Neotropical rainforest. Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation 19(2):161-170.
Mangueira, J.R.S.A., L.T.A. Vieira, T.N. Azevedo, A.P.A. Sabino, K.M.P.M.B. Ferraz, S.F.B. Ferraz, D.C. Rother, R.R Rodrigues. 2021. Plant diversity conservation in highly deforested landscapes of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation 19(1):69-80.
Ferraz, K.M.P.M.B., B.G. Oliveira, N. Attias, A.L.J. Desbiez. 2021. Species distribution model reveals only highly fragmented suitable patches remaining for giant armadillo in the Brazilian Cerrado. Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation 19:43-52.
Abra, F.D.; Huijser, M.P.; Magioli, M.; Bovo, A.A.A.; Ferraz, K.M.P.M.B. 2021. An estimate of wild mammal roadkill in São Paulo state, Brazil. Heliyon, 7(1), e06015, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2021.e06015
Alexandrino ER; Bovo AAA; Moraes F; Betini GS; Costa JC; Luz DTA; Navarro AB; Bessi TC; Couto HTZ; Ferraz KMPMB (2021). Aves do campus “Luiz de Queiroz”. Piracicaba/SP. Piracicaba: ESALQ - USP. 152p. doi: 10.11606/9786587391052
Bogoni, J.A., Carvalho-Rocha, V., Ferraz, K.M.P.M.B., Peres, C.A. 2021. Interacting elevational and latitudinal gradients determine bat diversity and distribution across the Neotropics. Journal of Animal Ecology. doi: 10.1111/1365-2656.13594
Bogoni, J.A., Peres, C.A., Ferraz, K.M.P.M.B. 2021. Medium-to large-bodied mammal surveys across the Neotropics are heavily biased against the most faunally intact assemblages. Mammal Review, in press.
Bogoni, J.A., Carvalho-Rocha, da Silva, P.G. 2021. Spatial and land use determinants of bat species richness, functional diversity and contribution to beta diversity across the largest tropical country worldwide. Mammal Review, in press.
Bogoni J.A., Tagliari, M.M. 2021. Potential distribution of piscivores across the Atlantic Forest: From bats and marsupials to large-bodied mammals under a trophic-guild viewpoint. Ecological Informatics, 64 (2021) 101357.
Bovo, A.A.A.; Ferraz, K.M.P.M.B.; Ribeiro, F.; Lins, L.V.; Barbosa, M.O. et al. 2021. Remaining suitable areas for the critically endangered Brazilian Merganser (Mergus octosetaceus; Aves, Anseriformes) are threatened by hydroeletric power plants, in press, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pecon.2021.04.002
Comandulli, C. S. ; Alexandrino, E.R. 2021. Ciência Cidadã: aproximando pessoas, transformando realidades. In: Natállia Maria de Freitas Vicente; Carlos Frankl Sperber; Marco Aurélio Carbone Carneiro. (Org.). Dia D do rio Doce: Um olhar científico sobre o maior desastre socioambiental do Brasil. 1ed.Lavras: UFLA, 2021, v. , p. 192-204.
Da Silva, P.G., Cañedo-Argüelles, M., Bogoni, J.A., Heino, J. 2021. Editorial: Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Metacommunities-Implications for Conservation and Management. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9, 171
Da Silva, P.G., Cañedo-Argüelles, M., Bogoni, J.A., Heino, J. 2021. Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Metacommunities-Implications for Conservation and Management. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, book.
Ferraz, K.M.P.M.B.; Costa, C.O.R.; Bovo, A.A.A.; Ribeiro, Y.G.G. Modelagem de Distribuição de Espécie: Importância, ferramentas e aplicabilidade para conservação. Em: Barreto-Lima, A.F. et al. Tratado de Crocodilianos do Brasil. p. 120-151. 2021
Ferraz, K.M.P.M.B.; Bovo, A.A.A.; Vannucchi, F.S.; Prestes, N.P.; Martinez, J.; Somenzari, M. A modelagem como ferramenta para a conservação do papagaio-de-peito-roxo. Em: Martinez, J.; Prestes, N.P. Biologia da conservação: Programa Nacional para Conservação do Papagaio-de-peito-roxo e outras iniciativas. p. 107-131.
Lopes, B.; Mcevoy, J. F.; Morato, R. G.; Luz, H. R.; Costa, F. B.; Benatti, H. R.; Dias, T. Da C.; Rocha, V. J.; Nascimento, V. R. Do; Piovezan, U.; Monticelli, P. F.; Nievas, A. M.; Pacheco, R. C.; Moro, M. E. G.; Brasil, J.; Leimgruber, P.; Labruna, M. B.; Ferraz, K. M. P. M. De B. Human-modified landscapes alter home range and movement patterns of capybaras. Journal of Mammalogy, v. XX, n. X, p. 1–14, 2021.
Massabni, V.G.; Ferraz, K.M.P.M.B.; Bovo, A.A.A.; Percequillo, A.R.; Mendes, F.B.G.; Duarte, M.M. 2021. Aprendizagem baseada em problemas socioambientais de Piracicaba. Divers@!, 13(2), 126-141, http://dx.doi.org/10.5380/diver.v13i2.76952
Melo, A.V.; Nascimento, V.; Bovo, A.A.A.; Phalan, B. 2021. Rediscovery and historical records of the Strange-tailed Tyrant Alectrurus risora (Passeriformes: Tyrannidae) in Brazil. Ornithology Research, 29(1), https://doi.org/10.1007/s43388-021-00041-6
Navarro, A.B., Magioli, M, Bogoni, J.A. et al. 2021. Human-modified landscapes narrow the isotopic niche of neotropical birds. Oecologia, 1-14
Pereira, A.D., Bogoni, J.A., Siqueira, M.H., Bovendorp, R.S., Vidotto-Magnoni, A.P., Orsi, M.L. 2021. Sampling biases of small non-volant mammals (Mammalia: Rodentia and Didelphimorphia) surveys in Paraná state, Brazil. Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment, 1-15
Pereira, A.D., Bogoni, J.A., Bazilio, S., Orsi, M.S. 2021. Mammalian defaunation across the Devonian kniferidges and meridional plateaus of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Biodiversity and Conservation. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10531-021-02288-3
Silveira, L.F.; Somenzari. M.; Bovo, A.A.A. O papagaio-de-peito-roxo, Amazona vinacea (Kuhl, 1820): história, taxonomia e distribuição geográfica.. Em: Martinez, J.; Prestes, N.P. Biologia da conservação: Programa Nacional para Conservação do Papagaio-de-peito-roxo e outras iniciativas. p. 107-131.
Tagliari, M.M., Levis, C., Flores, B.D., Blanco, G.D., Freitas, C.T., Bogoni, J.A., et al. 2021. Collaborative management as a way to enhance Araucaria Forest resilience. Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation.
Bogoni, J.A., Batista, G.O., Graipel, M.E., Peroni, N. 2020. Good times, bad times: Resource pulses influence mammal diversity in meridional Brazilian highlands. Science of The Total Environment 734: 139473
Bogoni, J.A., Peres, C.A., Ferraz. K.M.P.M.B. 2020. Extent, intensity and drivers of mammal defaunation: a continental-scale analysis across the Neotropics. Scientific reports 10 (1), 1-16
Bogoni, J.A., Peres, C.A, Ferraz, K.M.P.M.B. 2020. Effects of mammal defaunation on natural ecosystem services and human well being throughout the entire Neotropical realm. Ecosystem Services 45, 101173
Bogoni, J.A. Muniz-Tagliari, M., Peres, C.A. 2020. Testing the keystone plant resource role of a flagship subtropical tree species (Araucaria angustifolia) in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Ecological Indicators 118: 106778
Braga-Pereira, F., Bogoni, J.A., Alves, RRN. From spears to automatic rifles: the shift in hunting techniques as a mammal depletion driver during the Angolan civil war. Biological Conservation 249: 108744
Carreira, D.C., Brodie, J.F., Mendes, C.P., Ferraz, K.M.P.M.B., Galetti, M. 2020. A question of size and fear: competition and predation risk perception among frugivores and predators. Journal of Mammalogy 101 (3), 648-657.
Carreira, D.C., Dátillo, W., Bruno, D.L., Percequillo, A.R., Ferraz, K.M.P.M.B., Galetti, M. 2020. Small vertebrates are key elements in the frugivory networks of a hyperdiverse tropical forest. Scientific Reports 10:10594.
Costa, V.A.M.; Oliveira, A.D.F.; Santos, J.G.; Bovo, A.A.A.; Almeida, D.R.A.; Gorgens, E.B. 2020. Assessing the utility of airborne laser scanning derived indicators for tropical forest management. Southern Forests: a Journal of Forest Science, 82(4), 352-358, https://doi.org/10.2989/20702620.2020.1733757
Da Silva, P.G., Bogoni, J.A., Heino, J. 2020. Can taxonomic and functional metrics explain variation in the ecological uniqueness of ecologically-associated animal groups in a modified rainforest? Science of The Total Environment 708: 135171
Dias, T. C.; Stabach, J. A.; Huang, Q.; Labruna, M. B.; Leimgruber, P.; Ferraz, K. M. P. M. B.; Lopes, B.; Luz, H. R.; Costa, F. B.; Benatti, H. R.; Correa, L. R.; Nievas, A. M.; Monticelli, P. F.; Piovezan, U.; Szabó, M. P. J.; Aguiar, D. M.; Brites-Neto, J.; Port-Carvalho, M.; Rocha, V. J. Habitat selection in natural and human-modified landscapes by capybaras (Hydrochoerus hydrocaeris), an important host for Amblyomma sculptum tiks. PLoS ONE, v. 15, n. 8, p. 1–17, 2020.
Ferraz, K.M.P.M.B.; Morato, R..G.; Bovo, A.A.A.; Costa, C.O.R.; Ribeiro, Y.G.G.; Paula, R.C.; Desbiez, A.L.J.; Angelieri, C.S.C.; Traylor‐Holzer, K. 2021. Bridging the gap between researchers, conservation planners, and decision makers to improve species conservation decision‐making. Conservation Science and Practice, 3(2), e330, https://doi.org/10.1111/csp2.330
Nagy‐Reis, M.; Oshima, J.E.D.F.; Kanda, C.Z.; Palmeira, F.B.L.; Melo, F.R.; Morato, R.G. et al. 2020. NEOTROPICAL CARNIVORES: a data set on carnivore distribution in the Neotropics. Ecology 101(11): e03128, https://doi.org/10.1002/ecy.3128
Pütker, T., et al. 2020. Indirect effects of habitat loss via habitat fragmentation: a cross-taxa analysis of forest-dependent species. Biological Conservation 241: 108368.
Rosa, C A.D.; Ribeiro, B.R.; Bejarano, V.; Puertas, F.H.; Bocchiglieri, A.; Barbosa, A.L.D.S. et al. 2020. NEOTROPICAL ALIEN MAMMALS: a data set of occurrence and abundance of alien mammals in the Neotropics. Ecology 101(11): e03115, https://doi.org/10.1002/ecy.3115
Alexandrino, E.R.; Bogoni, J.A.; Navarro, A.B.; Bovo, A.A.A.; Gonçalves, R.M.; Charters, J.D.; Domini, J.A.; Ferraz, K.M.P.M.B. 2019. Large Terrestrial Bird Adapting Behavior in an Urbanized Zone. Animals, 9(6): 351, https://doi.org/10.3390/ani9060351
Alexandrino ER, Buechley ER, Forte YA, Cassiano CC, Ferraz KMPMB, Ferraz SFB, Couto HTZ, Sekercioglu CH (2019) Highly disparate bird assemblages in sugarcane and pastures: implications for bird conservation in agricultural landscapes. Neotropical Biology and Conservation 14(2): 169-194. https://doi.org/10.3897/neotropical.14.e37602
Alexandrino, E.R.; Navarro, A. B. ; Paulete, V. F. ; Camolesi, M. ; Lima, V. G. R. ; Green, A. ; Conto, T. ; Ferraz, K. M. P. M. B. ; Sekercioglu, C. H.; Couto, H. T. Z. (2019). Challenges in engaging birdwatchers in bird monitoring in a forest patch: lessons for future citizen science projects in agricultural landscapes. Citizen Science: Theory and Practice, 4(1), p.4. DOI: http://doi.org/10.5334/cstp.198
Bogoni, J.A.; Navarro, A.B.; Graipel, M.E., Peroni, N. 2019. Modeling the frugivory of a plant with inconstant productivity and solid interaction with relictual vertebrate biota. Ecological
Modelling 408: 108728.
Bogoni, J.A.; da Silva, P.G.; Peres, C.A. 2019. Co‐declining mammal–dung beetle faunas throughout the Atlantic Forest biome of South America. Ecography 42(11): 1803-1818.
Costa, F. B.; Gerardi, M.; Binder, L. De C.; Benatti, H. R.; Serpa, M. C. De A.; Lopes, B.; Luz, H. R.; Ferraz, K. M. P. M. B.; Labruna, M. B. Rickettsia rickettsii (Rickettsiales: Rickettsiaceae) Infecting Amblyomma sculptum (Acari: Ixodidae) Ticks and Capybaras in a Brazilian Spotted Fever-Endemic Area of Brazil. Journal of medical entomology, v. 57, n. 1, p. 308–311, 2019.
Graipel, M.E., Bogoni, J.A.; Giehl, E.L.H., Cerezer, F.O., Cáceres, N.C., Eizirik, E. 2019. Melanism evolution in the cat family is influenced by intraspecific communication under low visibility. PloSOne 14(12): e0226136.
Hernández, M.I.M., da Silva, P.G.; Niero, M.M.; Alves, V.M., Bogoni, J.A. et al. 2019. Ecological characteristics of Atlantic Forest dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) in the state of Santa Catarina, southern Brazil. The Colleopterist Bulletin 73(3) 693-709.
Luz, H. R.; Costa, F. B.; Benatti, H. R.; Ramos, V. N.; De A Serpa, M. C.; Martins, T. F.; Acosta, I. C. L.; Ramirez, D. G.; Muñoz-Leal, S.; Ramirez-Hernandez, A.; Binder, L. C.; Carvalho, M. P.; Rocha, V.; Dias, T. C.; Simeoni, C. L.; Brites-Neto, J.; Brasil, J.; Nievas, A. M.; Monticelli, P. F.; Moro, M. E. G.; Lopes, B.; Aguiar, D. M.; Pacheco, R. C.; Souza, C. E.; Piovezan, U.; Juliano, R.; Ferraz, K. M. P. M. B.; Szabó, M. P. J.; Labruna, M. B. Epidemiology of capybara-associated Brazilian spotted fever. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, v. 13, n. 9, p. 1–24, 2019.
Magioli, M.; Bovo, A.A.A.; Huijser, M.; Abra, F.D.; Miotto, R.; Andrade, V.; Nascimento, A.; Martins, M.Z.A.; Ferraz, K.M.P.M.B. 2019. Shorts and narrows roads cause substantial impacts on wildlife. Oecologia Australis. 23(1):99-111, https://doi.org/10.4257/oeco.2019.2301.09
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